stej123: Roe deer
SuckMyBrick: Silly walk...
stej123: Spring harvest in Ukraine
claudialohmanns: Gänsegeier
stej123: BMP 2 Ukraine
Foto Martien: Ethilia longwing butterfly
Nils Axel Braathen: J77A7593 -- A Nutria enjoying some food
Carla@: Rhynchium oculatum female (Lateral wiew)
leendert3: Swanson's Spurfowl
theonlyspidermel: purple rumped sunbird
Gérard CUCHET: Bombyx Suraka de Madagascar
Haijingzheng: _DSC3286
Rodrigo Conte: Julia Butterfly (Dryas iulia alcionea)
abjorken: Camberwell Beauty (Nymphalis antiopa) Sorgmantel
Patrick Laferl: Iphiclides podalirius
snapshotsbyanitha: Eastern black swallowtail butterfly
PriscillaBurcher: ♂️ Tooth-billed Tanager
Calle Söderberg: Great Colours Together - _TNY_1604
Lynn photographing the world: American Avocet Pair
Vicki's Nature: 12 Days of Christmas Butterflies - #7 Long-tailed skipper
Ciminus: Merops apiaster.
tosco.diaz: astrantia-major_15900539178_o
ACEZandEIGHTZ: Winged Moment 1
Visions by Vincent: Frog on Bird of Paridise
Bruno Conjeaud: Red-and-yellow Barbet
mikeculley591: BS8I5444