tgwagen: Mothers Day Dinner @ Mountainside Grille, Got to Shower Mom with Loves.. hung out with @cupp_cak3 & @t_ygillard and had one of the best T Bone steaks I've had in quite some time. Got to see @musicbybrea Slinging Drinks 🍹 #happymothersday #
tgwagen: Happy Mother's Day to the Best Mom, Grammy & Great Grrandmother anyone could hope for. Mom, I know it’s hard for you to hide the fact that I’m your favorite., πŸ˜† Happy Mother’s Day! Love TD ❀️😘
tgwagen: It seems as if I've been doing Radio since... well, you know! #ttgcommunications #amateurradiooperator #hytera #hyteracommunications #radioismylife #hyteradealer #radiohead #radioshop #duplexertuning #programming #codeplugs #widebanding #tier2 #ambe2 #vo
tgwagen: Hey Pluto, you're doin it wrong man! #plutodontgiveafuck #doinmyownthang #orbitbaby #dudegohomeyouredrunk #nuhuh #okmaybealittle #igotyourpalebluedotrighthere #planetbetrippin #hyterry #hyterainspace
tgwagen: Friday Flashback: 1940 Boulder Dam Travel Advertisement. #oneofthesevenwondersoftheworld #largestarchgravitydamintheworld #sixcompanies #ifyoubuildittheywillcome #tamingthecoloradoriversince1935
tgwagen: Small, Powerful & Discreet. Hytera DMR is the answer to all your Executive carry scenarios. What's your EDC look like? #ttgcommunications #hyteracommunications #hytera #hyteranetwork #dmr #digitalmobileradio #discreetcarrycommunications #hyterry #pd362 #
tgwagen: Drink Craft 🍺 Beer, don't be this guy. 😐 #outtathecarlonghair #youdrunkbro #nowayman #okmaybealittle #sometimesitsnotaboutme #itsallabouttheexperience #hyterry #loveladybrewing #kma367
tgwagen: Cuatro De Mayo... fundraiser event @ Lovelady Brewing. Benefiting "Building Together" #fundraising #itsforagreatcause #10000dollarraffle #loveladybrewing #sometimesitsnotaboutme #ttgcommunications #hytera #hyterry #okmaybealittle 😎
tgwagen: May the 4th be with you.. Alwayth! No Theriothly! It'h here, it'h here! #impressthive #mothstimpressthive #ethelthayer #theriothly #stharwarths #youtalkphunny #hyterry #hytera #hyterainspace #dmrinspace #iwish #obiwanhathtaughtestthouwel
tgwagen: May the 4th be with you.. Alwayth! No Theriothly! It'h almoth here #impressthive #mothstimpressthive #ethelthayer #theriothly #stharwarths #youtalkphunny #hyterry #hytera #hyterainspace #dmrinspace #iwish #obiwanhathtaughtestthouwell
tgwagen: Lovelady Brewing Co. & Las Vegas Distillery... Best of the Best! "Best Beer / Spirits Ever" if you've not visited either of the aforementioned establishments. You're missing out! #justreallygoodstuff #craftbeer #handmadespirits #loveladybrewing #lasvegasd
tgwagen: May the 4th be with you.. Always! No Theriothly! It'h almoth here #ethelthayer #theriothly #stharwarths #youtalkphunny #hyterry #hytera #hyterainspace #dmrinspace #iwish
tgwagen: Thoughts for the day/year. Let it go. Let it all go. There comes a point when you say you have had enough, and you walk away from it all. It is not because you have given up, but because you are physically worn down from being someone's punching bag (not
tgwagen: Harrumph, Harrumph... Hey I didn't get a Harrumph outta that guy ... you watch yer Ass! #harrumph #williamjlepetomane #workworkworkworkwork #gov #hedley #itshedleynotheddy #youuseyourtongueprettierthanatwentydollarwhoremrlamaar #blazingsaddles #hyterry
tgwagen: Hytera, DMR / TETRA & The Contractor life.. it's what I do.. and I Love it! πŸ‘#ttgcommunications #gillardconstructionlv #hyteracommunications #hytera #nucorsteel #contractorlife #craftbeer #loveladybrewing #hyterry
tgwagen: LEGO my Beer! Lego n Beer nite. What a Hoot. Such creative "warped" minds fun fun fun. Hell, I didn't even play! πŸ˜†. #legosandbeer #gotimagination #cuzitsphunny #beerandanyreasontodrinkit #thiswasfun #legomybob #legominifigures #familybusinesses
tgwagen: Framed! ... trust me, there are worse things in life. #gelandewagen #14panes #iminthebestone #G500 #needsabath #sodoestheMercedes #cuzitsphunny
tgwagen: "Bloody Brother" Lovelady Brewing's take on the Bloody Beer. And a fantastic take it is. Brother Chili 🌢 pepper brown ale & Clamato.. a 50/50 mix. Absofrickenlutely Sublime. #craycrayinthehouse #dayumthatsgood #gothotbeer #suckupoursudsbaby #ch
tgwagen: What drives me! ... Nustso or otherwise So glad to be doing what I do. And Grateful to do it with my family. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ #hyterry #ttgcommunications #gillardconstructionlv #hyteracommunications #contractorlife #independenthyteradealer #alwayslo
tgwagen: Artsy Fartsy: getting my People watching on today while Imbibing a 50/50 Brother Chili 🌢/ Blood & Passion Weizenbock. It's been an eventful Hytera Communications / TTG Communications programming, selling, products shipping ect.. #ttgcommunicati
tgwagen: Hytera Digital Mobile Radio: Hytera PD982GM-BT, it the Go to Radio for all aspects of DMR Communications. Don't have one yet? That's ok.. I've got ya covered. #ttgcommunications #pd982gm #hyterry #hytera #hyte
tgwagen: Hytera DMR & Lego Bob's: an unbeatable combo! Only Available at Lovelady Brewing Co. every Wednesday evening... be here or be cut off! #ttgcommunications #hyteracommunications #hytera #dmr #legominifigures #legomybob #toomuchfun #hyterry #loveladybrewing
tgwagen: Forward Progress not outwardly evident, but the City of Henderson is working away at the plans submittal process. #familyovereverything #rebuilding #contractorlife #makingplans #chateaugillard #itsgettingbetterallthetime #gillardconstructionlv #ttgcommuni
tgwagen: Easter pics, then and now. #familyovereverything #beingdad #beinggrandpa #lovethem #hyterry
tgwagen: Happy Easter to all my Family & Friends, Love TD 😎 #familyandfriends #feedbagtime #omnomnomnivore #didsomeonesaypie #honeyham #brisket #rosemaryroastedredpotatoes #orangefluff #craftbeer #brotherchili #foodcoma #missingfamilymembers #wishyouwer
tgwagen: Stoopid Shoelaces! #unscheduledexercise #gravitycheck #apparentlyidontbounce #fallsdownalot #hyterry
tgwagen: Mmmmm, Cheetos! #yumminess #snackattack #cheesuschrist #chestercheeto #fromage #hyterry
tgwagen: Ugh... 😞 #lordiamsooootired #whoturnedontheSun? #hyterry #needbloodymary
tgwagen: Goddamit Google Maps! πŸ˜• #turnleftatthegreentree #shortcutmyass #lowonpetrolπŸ˜₯ #sweatingbullets #stupidtechnology #mykingdomforarealmap #hamradiototherescue #yayme #damnedtrees #lostAF πŸ˜•
tgwagen: Whether you're into Weather or not. Here's current forecast! #windyπŸ’¨ #californiasucks #arizonablows #haboob #ollie #hyterry #weather #whether #wxl36 #noaa #wxradio #weatheralert