Virkie1: Bangor 15 Aug 24
Virkie1: Bangor racing
Virkie1: Bangor yachts
Virkie1: Bangor race night
Virkie1: Bangor race night.
Virkie1: Strangford Lough
Virkie1: Strangford Swans
Virkie1: Strangford Lough
Virkie1: Strangford Lough
Virkie1: Strangford Lough
Virkie1: Strangford Lough
Virkie1: Ballyholme Beach
Virkie1: Virga over the Irish Sea
Virkie1: Wind power
Virkie1: Donaghadee Harbour
Virkie1: RNLI 23
Virkie1: Donaghadee Lifeboat on a training day. Trent Class
Virkie1: RAF Typhoon in LFA17
Virkie1: The interesting bits.
Virkie1: RAF F35
Virkie1: 003
Virkie1: USAF V22 Osprey
Virkie1: RAF F35 Office
Virkie1: Stealth Flight - RAF F35 low down through the Lakes
Virkie1: Kestrel at Blakeney Marsh
Virkie1: 083
Virkie1: 046
Virkie1: Sunset Blakeney Norfolk
Virkie1: Cley Next The Sea
Virkie1: Blakeney, Norfolk