mhluther: Setting up Deployment Points
mhluther: Left hand platoon moves through the kunai grass
mhluther: Moving through the coconut palms
mhluther: Weaving between the palms
mhluther: No enemy sighted on the left
mhluther: Japanese spotted
mhluther: Using the Stuart for cover
mhluther: The firing line is formed
mhluther: Machine gun eliminated
mhluther: Swinging a section out to the right
mhluther: Meanwhile in the grass
mhluther: Finally out of the grass
mhluther: Contact of the Aussie left
mhluther: Aussie prepare to charge in
mhluther: Another view of the beleaguered Japanese section
mhluther: Nice view of the edge of the jungle and kunai grass
mhluther: And the Japanese retire
mhluther: More Japanese open up from the trees
mhluther: Back to the other flank
mhluther: Last stand
mhluther: Bill pushes towards the right
mhluther: Mortar team in the grass
mhluther: Aussies reach the table edge
mhluther: Japanese right flank is now in the center
mhluther: End positions