mhluther: Germans reach the south edge
mhluther: East side is an easy advance for Russians
mhluther: Table view looking NW
mhluther: Ferdinand surrounded
mhluther: Left flank gone
mhluther: StuG porn
mhluther: Ferdinands starting to advance
mhluther: Ferdinands at a firing range
mhluther: Grenadiers engaging Russkie infantry
mhluther: StuGs vor
mhluther: Russian players attempting to coordinate their attack
mhluther: Tank riders leaving their mounts
mhluther: Early T34 loses
mhluther: German commanders confer while a Soviet player measures his advance
mhluther: East side of the board
mhluther: Ferdinands of PzJag Abt 653
mhluther: Fictional Settlement of Kringledorp in the Mohawk Valley, 1780
mhluther: Blockhouse and road north
mhluther: The King's Royal Regiment arrives
mhluther: Here come the New York Line
mhluther: Capt Ross sends out the search parties
mhluther: Militia search parties
mhluther: Rangers and Natives
mhluther: Moving through the woods
mhluther: Green firing line
mhluther: Sgt Crumley keeps seaching
mhluther: Firing line vs blockhouse
mhluther: One group of KRR out of formation already
mhluther: Irregulars along the wall
mhluther: New York line unit fording the icy creek