mhluther: Battlefield looking towards the US lines
mhluther: View from the US edge
mhluther: From the east edge
mhluther: HG div positions
mhluther: US left flank
mhluther: US right side
mhluther: Receiving some HE
mhluther: StuGs moving out
mhluther: Coordinating the advance
mhluther: StuG shooting at the troops heading for the RR cut
mhluther: Targeting some Shermans
mhluther: Right hand platoon in the cut
mhluther: Center platoon
mhluther: Infantry dropping off in a drainage e ditch
mhluther: Smoke across the front
mhluther: GIs in the trees
mhluther: Left flank advancing also
mhluther: Center platoon in the cut now
mhluther: Charge from the center
mhluther: German center now taking damage
mhluther: US tanks break for the bridge
mhluther: Right side of the German line
mhluther: German center under mortar fire
mhluther: Tanks on their way