mhluther: land of the midnight sun
mhluther: Leafless trees, grass, rocks and ponds
mhluther: Back edge of the German line
mhluther: Soviet entry edge
mhluther: First sign of the defenders
mhluther: Run across the open
mhluther: Into the rocks
mhluther: More Russians coming through the grass
mhluther: 4 to 1 odds
mhluther: Soviet high tide
mhluther: Locking down a Jump off Point
mhluther: Close range firing
mhluther: Get off my rock!
mhluther: Finally, another German section
mhluther: It was almost over
mhluther: And the tide turns
mhluther: Fight on the rock goes on
mhluther: Survivors retreat and hide
mhluther: Barrage ends and last section and Platoon leader appear
mhluther: Action across the center of the table
mhluther: Another Russian section prepares to make a dash
mhluther: Hiding in the center
mhluther: Fight continues on the rock
mhluther: And the baseline is reached
mhluther: Just this side of getting pinned
mhluther: Russians holding the center
mhluther: Gebrigsjagers