mhluther: Road to the north
mhluther: Defile
mhluther: From the Japanese side.
mhluther: Japanese get a big leg up
mhluther: Nice place to deploy the bren
mhluther: More Japanese movement
mhluther: Initial firing
mhluther: Yushiro moves under the hut
mhluther: Japanese advance on the left
mhluther: Yushiro's men getting cut down
mhluther: The lost squad finds the road
mhluther: As Easterbrook moves in on his flank
mhluther: Easterbrook takes the huts
mhluther: And then quickly runs away
mhluther: Over view of the huts
mhluther: Aussies pulling back
mhluther: Tumpo charges into another close assault
mhluther: All fall down