mhluther: Lewinsville outskirts
mhluther: Union infantry assembling
mhluther: Rebs arrive
mhluther: Trying to form up
mhluther: left hand company
mhluther: Union awaits the onslaught
mhluther: The Rebel right
mhluther: Artillery blast
mhluther: Two horses down
mhluther: The Yankees are ready
mhluther: Capt Patrick leads the horse
mhluther: Limber moving up
mhluther: Holding the line
mhluther: The Rebel gun
mhluther: Cavalry charge stopped
mhluther: Hooray for the 79th
mhluther: Second Game
mhluther: Form up!
mhluther: The dash at the gun
mhluther: Reb cavalry runs off the gun crew
mhluther: View from the Reb left
mhluther: Capt Patrick retreats
mhluther: View from the Rebel rear
mhluther: 1st VA firing line
mhluther: Right flank started to fall apart
mhluther: Caisson moved up
mhluther: Rebs attempting to form up
mhluther: Standing firm behind the wall
mhluther: This looks like a good spot
mhluther: Lining up the shot