mhluther: German positions
mhluther: table overview
mhluther: Germans commander attempts to blend into surroundings
mhluther: Soviet deployment area
mhluther: Looking at the wide marsh area
mhluther: Valentines arrive
mhluther: Ba64s hiding
mhluther: Fording the stream
mhluther: Scouts across
mhluther: Germans taking hits
mhluther: Marders
mhluther: Germans begin their counterattack
mhluther: one scout team down
mhluther: Pak and M3s
mhluther: Firefight
mhluther: Another Pak 38
mhluther: Soviet scouts under fire
mhluther: Peeping around
mhluther: SU 76s retiring
mhluther: Valentines moving back also
mhluther: One Marder left
mhluther: View from the back Pak
mhluther: Germans repulsed by scouts