mhluther: Overview of the table
mhluther: British start line
mhluther: Broekhuizen -some assembly required
mhluther: Crabs to the mines
mhluther: MG42 opens up on the pioneers
mhluther: One section of pioneers getting close to the wire
mhluther: One Crab shelled
mhluther: Monmouths begin their attack
mhluther: Mortars starting to fall
mhluther: Engineers make the wire
mhluther: Smoke finally
mhluther: More artillery on the way
mhluther: Flails make it to the road
mhluther: the attack continues
mhluther: Cromwells join the party
mhluther: First assault repulsed
mhluther: Into the town
mhluther: Ambush
mhluther: Game end positions