mhluther: Battlefield with North at top
mhluther: View of the camp
mhluther: South at the top
mhluther: Looking south on the road
mhluther: US Regulars assembling
mhluther: Morning assembly
mhluther: Seminoles finally on the table
mhluther: North along the road
mhluther: Whats' that in the grass?!
mhluther: the Regulars get the 1st shot
mhluther: Mico-Coochee emerges from the trees
mhluther: firing from horseback
mhluther: Ambush from the palmettos
mhluther: Good thing the gun was pointing in that direction
mhluther: target acquired
mhluther: Dismounting
mhluther: Beseiged
mhluther: Noogle engaging with Buffalo Sam
mhluther: Buffalo Sam makes a move
mhluther: Driving off Hadjo-Yeehaw
mhluther: Buffalo Sam & Lt Noogle
mhluther: Sgt Dunn's group losses their bottle
mhluther: 2 Random events
mhluther: Vamoose!
mhluther: Time to back off
mhluther: Sgt Franks' group at the breastwork
mhluther: Seminole blinds, cattle and a grass fire
mhluther: Volunteers in the crossfire
mhluther: Stampede through the camp
mhluther: Run away!