mhluther: Mainly flat & wet
mhluther: West at the top edge
mhluther: Those are big
mhluther: Those houses are coming closer
mhluther: taking fire from the trees
mhluther: First air strike of the day
mhluther: Up the slope
mhluther: Advance to the south
mhluther: View from the 88
mhluther: Into the trees
mhluther: Burning after a pak hit
mhluther: More burning tanks
mhluther: The advance continues
mhluther: Firefight continues
mhluther: Firing as fast as they can
mhluther: Coming in for another run
mhluther: Yet another Red on Red
mhluther: More burning tanks
mhluther: Wrong target
mhluther: Another strafing run
mhluther: Not quite the promised land
mhluther: Trying to work behind the Grenadiers
mhluther: Follow the trail of hulks
mhluther: Valley of victims
mhluther: If they can see it they can hit it
mhluther: Firefight in the trees
mhluther: More Russians stymied
mhluther: Face off between Pak38 & T26
mhluther: Friendly Fire
mhluther: Panzers to the rescue