mhluther: table overview
mhluther: The right flank
mhluther: German entry point
mhluther: Looks mighty cold
mhluther: Stukas
mhluther: Doing some damage
mhluther: The Huns
mhluther: Panthers moving up
mhluther: Initial firefight
mhluther: Overview
mhluther: Russians taking hits
mhluther: Close assault on the 45mm ATGs
mhluther: 2 guns down
mhluther: Panthers still moving up
mhluther: Panthers in the gully
mhluther: Dug in Russians
mhluther: Into the trenches
mhluther: Panthers taking hits
mhluther: Smoking cat
mhluther: Last stand
mhluther: to the last man
mhluther: Russian reinforcements
mhluther: Stopped in their tracks
mhluther: Panthers firing back
mhluther: Panthers and grenadiers moving up
mhluther: 2nd panther platoon
mhluther: Lead SU152 goes up
mhluther: Its still an uphill fight
mhluther: Grenadiers go to ground
mhluther: The Panthers take some hits