mhluther: SM79s escorted by CR42s
mhluther: Hurricane and Gladiators attack
mhluther: Head on shots
mhluther: Close quarters
mhluther: One Gladiator down and the other breaking off
mhluther: Final attempt at the bombers
mhluther: Chasing the Brits away.
mhluther: Last shots
mhluther: Italian fighters
mhluther: Gladiators heaing into the Fiats
mhluther: Bombers ahead
mhluther: First shots
mhluther: Running fight
mhluther: Bomber chasing
mhluther: Bomber getting away
mhluther: Bomber chasing 2
mhluther: 2nd flight of Gladiators decide to go after Bombers
mhluther: End of the game
mhluther: Raiden Bf 110s
mhluther: Ganging up on the green pilot
mhluther: Turning inside the 110s
mhluther: head on through the Stukas
mhluther: Engine damage to 110
mhluther: Ist pass through gets a hit
mhluther: 110 can't slow down enough to get behind the Gladiator
mhluther: The damaged 110 comes back to help
mhluther: Another Stukas hit
mhluther: Stukas sideslipping from RAF
mhluther: escorting 110s
mhluther: Another pair of Gladiators(note the wing gun pods)