mhluther: Overview of the battle
mhluther: Indian and Brits on the north side
mhluther: British left flank facing off with Indians
mhluther: The Cundiffs setting up the British forces
mhluther: Indians sniping at Brit rt flank
mhluther: British Grenadiers heading into the Indians/Voyagers
mhluther: Overhead of British right side
mhluther: Center of the French & canadien line
mhluther: French right Brigade advancing
mhluther: This is the beginning of the firefight
mhluther: French Comp de la Marines skirmishing
mhluther: British Grenadiers forcing back the Indians on the Southern flank
mhluther: The centers are engaged
mhluther: The British right fank advancing
mhluther: Canadian militia and British regulars
mhluther: Canadien militia attempting to skirmish w/ British regulars
mhluther: The French/Canadien line still holding
mhluther: The French left --Comp de la Marines and Militia
mhluther: The French in general retreat
mhluther: The Militia heading for the walls of Quebec
mhluther: The last turn