Marees Artworks:
Under The Covers
Marees Artworks:
Goat on a rock
Marees Artworks:
Goats sunbathing
Marees Artworks:
Animals enjoying the Sun
Marees Artworks:
Ape enjoying a snack
Marees Artworks:
CJ at Taronga Zoo Sydney
Marees Artworks:
Giraffes at Taronga Zoo at Sydney Australia
Marees Artworks:
Glenn's new addition to our Fender family
Marees Artworks:
Ashleigh on Mums fence
Marees Artworks:
Ashleigh Azzi's Cat
Marees Artworks:
Mixed media art by Maree Pollen
Marees Artworks:
Oil painting in progress
Marees Artworks:
Moonlight in Australia
Marees Artworks:
A bridge
Marees Artworks:
Parramatta lights at night
Marees Artworks:
Parramatta river
Marees Artworks:
Parramatta River
Marees Artworks:
CJ at The Wiggles Concert at The Enmore Theatre
Marees Artworks:
Greg from The Wiggles
Marees Artworks:
Ready to go to The Wiggles Concert
Marees Artworks:
Azzi in his new gear
Marees Artworks:
Max snuggling with Azzi
Marees Artworks:
Environmental art by Maree Pollen
Marees Artworks:
Marees Artworks:
CJ & Scooby Doo
Marees Artworks:
Gorgeous flowers from Elizabeth XOX