Jack Hood: Colourful Moss Droplets - Explored
annkelliott: A lovely place to perch
MonicaBen: Con il naso all'insù
MonicaBen: Tramonto
MonicaBen: MBE_0054
anpas69: Episyrphus balteatus
Y U S O F F AHMAD: 20111211-Pdg Perahu Macro 003
Toffael Rashid: Purple Patch
Jack Hood: Single Green Drop
Jack Hood: Single Droplet On Moss
Jonne Seijdel: Butterfly
"Tiny" by Nature: The World in a Drop!
*Sakura*: Autumn Melody
peppe1469: Mandarino Bio
chandankumar.com: The Shy one
Harris Hui (in search of light): Red Gloves Waving Goodbye - Van Dusen Garden 8326e
World of Pjotr: A moment of peace [explored on dec 8, 2011]
Maceirons: Ardea alba (Airone bianco maggiore)
Sebastian.Schneider: Armée de pinces à linge
Theen ...: Metal Post ~ Explored #467
RashedZh: water-drop