elnina999: Here I come!
elnina999: Is the wasp gone?
elnina999: Victory!
elnina999: Tired of those intruders!
elnina999: My nectar! My kingdom!
elnina999: Taste pretty good!
elnina999: Mine, all mine!
elnina999: Plenty of sweet nectar
elnina999: I love my feeder!
elnina999: A good spot to watch my feeder.
elnina999: The wasp is leaving.
elnina999: What's to do?
elnina999: What are you doing? Go away!
elnina999: Hummingbird spots a wasp on HIS feeder
elnina999: Wasp attacks a hummingbird
elnina999: Hide-and-seek
elnina999: A Southern Yellow Jacket on the feeder
elnina999: Hummingbird!