Oliver Kay Photography:
USS Ronald Reagan arriving in Brisbane. It was a gorgeous cloudless day which made for a very boring background so decided to spice it up a little ;-)
Oliver Kay Photography:
Pacific Sunrise.
Dusk Light
krisinct- Thanks for 22 Million views!:
Osprey 8_16 2
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captured by bond:
krisinct- Thanks for 22 Million views!:
Osprey with fish 7/21
Caney Fork Overlook (Blue Ridge Parkway, Asheville, North Carolina) *EXPLORED*
Oliver Kay Photography:
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south Tufa and Milky_8100193
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speed of light_8109912
Alex Szymanek:
Michigan Avenue
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El cap at dusk_8100662
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sedona at sunset_8101136
Alexandr Tikki:
Kiev,Olympic Stadium
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Oliver Kay Photography:
Reflections of dawn
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BridalViel Fall D75_1905
shontz photography:
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Black Oak_SMB9866
Alexandr Tikki:
Marvelous world
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as it lifts D75_5288
Moustafa Kzaiha: