scolopax12: Northern Parula
d.jauvin: Dickcissel d'Amérique_2A5A6557
Eric Heisey: Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox)
Donna Pomeroy: Lazuli Bunting
Donna Pomeroy: Common Five-lined Skink
Sam Galick: Prothonotary Warbler
Matthew Sabatine: Black-tailed Godwit, Pedricktown Marsh, Gloucester Co., NJ, 4/8/18
Rik Kirby: Bolsa Chica
Rik Kirby: Bolsa Chica
scolopax12: Pale-naped Brush Finch - Carlos Calle: Royal sunangel / Angel del Sol Real (Heliangelus regalis) - Carlos Calle: Long-tailed Sylph / Silfo de cola larga (Aglaiocercus kingi)
Sam Galick: Short-eared Owl
brandonnidiffer1: Lilac-crowned Parrot-Amazona finschi
pomarinejaeger: rlha-sy-dark-sanilacco-11-01-14-tl-01-croplarger
MistyDaze: American Dipper, Cascades of WA
scolopax12: Humboldt Penguin
scolopax12: Least Terns
scolopax12: Dunlin On Ice
scolopax12: Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Podoces: Desicated remains of a Fringe-toed Lizard
Axel Elfner: 6W7A5915gp
Matthew Sabatine: Merlin with prey, Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility, Sonoma Co., CA, 4/9/17
scolopax12: Red-flanked Bluetail
mario balitbit: Harris's Sparrow
Frank Mantlik: American Wigeon X Mallard (presumed hybrid)
seabamirum: Reveille Wilderness, Nevada
seabamirum: Reveille Wilderness, Nevada
Matthew Sabatine: Purple Sandpiper, Barnegat Lighthouse State Park, Ocean Co., NJ, 12/3/16