Devid VII: Ant and MFB
SometimesMecha: TM2 - Jump Assault Right
contestedground: MgN-602 Phase 1 'Dormouse'
contestedground: MgN-602 Phase 2 'Gerbil' command version
kotkoozya: Wolfspider
Devid VII: Sand Troopers and SDT01
Zulu1210: MFZ - Houses
Zulu1210: MFZ - Ruins
Zulu1210: MFZ - Terrain
Zulu1210: MFZ - In the Streets
Devid VII: OG Troopers and Cannonhead V02
Sam Andreas: Fine, I'll do it myself or 60409 on budget
David Roberts 01341: Dragonfly Patrol
amaranth9551: Acantha
Roanoke Handybuck: Into The Light
Computer_073: Lego Generation Zero Tick
HatRabies: Air Support
Garry_rocks: uСopter
Garry_rocks: Oddball SPG Quad Walker
Garry_rocks: Team Building
Devid VII: MO5 V2
Kooky Bricks: Temple Ruins
[Julie v]: Harbour Tugboat
Happy Chopper: MFZ: Stardust Squadron - the Red Comment at Bastion Outpost
Happy Chopper: MFZ: Stardust Squadron - Bastion Outpost
amritarora2002: Rifleman
SMARTAN 427: Jarhead mechsuit (2024 build)
amaranth9551: Alcea II
Red Spacecat: Microscale fighter and bomber