still night, still light: second oil portrait - you should view it large
Vira Ratman: Self Portrait
emmanuel_renard: sunshine
NESIHO: sunshine
Paul Pellerito: Sunshine
Maaikiee: Zonnen!
Lemoox: Eyes closed drawing by Clémence Bouchereau
**klaracolor**: **Helleborus Beauty**
kivancgencel: #stone
Chief Bwana: Gray velvet landscape
iFl1ckr: Steens Mountain
marianbijlenga: Arie de Groot
Danyel B. Photography: moss sprouts on a stone
Chief Bwana: A new day at the Little Painted Desert
Chief Bwana: South Fork San Joaquin River 1964
CResende: Enchanted Valley
Bim Bom: the stones
bigluketx: Flowers
Anna Mizi: "V" for Vase
rodneyvdb: [20220304]
Lemoox: IMG_20220724_170038_edit_284211310357673