Katie-Beck: Garden Island Naval Base live position
Katie-Beck: The BBC's Becky Lipscombe hard at work
Katie-Beck: The BBC's Jonah Fisher reporting live
Katie-Beck: Producer extraordinaire Alice Budisatrijo master of the bgan
Katie-Beck: Satellite trucks at the airforce base live position
Katie-Beck: The BBC's Phil Mercer reporting for WSR
Katie-Beck: IMG_7681
Katie-Beck: IMG_5851
Katie-Beck: IMG_5839
Katie-Beck: Alice Budisatrijo behind the camera
Katie-Beck: International journlaists being briefed by a Japanese Air Force Official
Katie-Beck: BBC live point at Pearce Airforce base
Katie-Beck: BBC's Sharanjit Leyl presenting World TV from Perth
Katie-Beck: International media at Pearce Airforce Base
Katie-Beck: BBC's Live position at Pearce Airforce base at night
Katie-Beck: "the Maui" Team BBC's home away from home
Katie-Beck: International journalists briefed by Royal Australian Air Force officials
Katie-Beck: BBC's NIck Millard behind the camera
Katie-Beck: International Journalists heading out to the tarmac to film Australian P3 Orions returing to base
Katie-Beck: BBC's Jon Donnison at Pearce Air Force Base
Katie-Beck: Australian P3 Orion returns from a search
Katie-Beck: IMG_3735
Katie-Beck: Otto's
Katie-Beck: Sausages
Katie-Beck: Otto's outdoor grill
Katie-Beck: Game Processing 2
Katie-Beck: Game processing
Katie-Beck: La Pigna
Katie-Beck: Spagheteria
Katie-Beck: Olive oil at teh market