Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: This was our wedding on 2nd February 1991, It was two months after our honeymoon as David was leaving the army and starting a new job in The City of London. Couldn't ask for time off to go on honeymoon so went on our honeymoon in acapulco first.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: Went on our honeymoon to acapulco. These are the entertainment team and guests we hung out with. Great fun ahd by all. David RH rear.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: She was part of the entertainment team. She was posing with me because I introduced bottle walking, more later.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: We had just won the waterpolo game. The prize a free beer.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: This was just after the presentation of the toucans for the winner and runner up of the bottle walkng contest.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: Pelicans in the local harbour.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: The pyramids at Teotihuacan. Read below.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: David at full stretch trying to win the bottle walking championship.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: A religious festival celebrating Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: A peacock and an albino peacock in Mexico City zoo.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: The pyramids at Teotihuacan. Read below.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: A religious festival celebrating Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: A religious festival celebrating Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: A giant panda in the zoo in Mexico City zoo.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: Anne standing on top of a pyramid at Teotihuacan
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: A giant panda in the zoo in Mexico City zoo.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: A religious festival of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: Anne standing in front of a pyramid at Teotihuacan
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: Anne participating in a bottle of beer drinking contest.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: Mexico City zoo. Sea lion.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: Anne and David in the hall of mirrors.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: David glides gently back to earth after his parascending ride around Acapulco Bay.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: Bottle walking still in progress.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: The festival of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: The festival of Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: A museum piece train on display in Mexico city.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: David glides gently back to earth after his parascending ride around Acapulco Bay.
Anne and David in Acapulco and Turkey: The festival of Our Lady of Guadalupe.