contemporary embroidery: layers, lace, overlay
ChristineB16: Fragment in progress
ChristineB16: Fragment 4
Geninne: My friend Arounna's beautiful appliqué work from the class she taught at #themakerie @themakerie
cathy cullis: saxifraga
contemporary embroidery: composition, design
ChristineB16: Fragments book
ChristineB16: Machine Grids
ChristineB16: Nadine
contemporary embroidery: daily doodling, a new flickr group
jude hill: button faced head on
contemporary embroidery: a hankie cloth
jude hill: she is unravelling
jude hill: crazy wool
jude hill: quilt with tinted vintage crochet insert
jude hill: puckered weaving trial
jude hill: quilt weaving raw squares
Avalanche Looms: rag weave cut offs
konnykards: Darn & Weave Landscape
jude hill: quilt weaving close up
Ines Seidel: pattern - Muster
contemporary embroidery: bumps and gingham
grrl+dog: Gold Coast Colony
grrl+dog: Gott es schient
contemporary embroidery: a ledger...Monday
contemporary embroidery: stitched and pleated
jude hill: lion quilt-nook
jude hill: nook with moon in eye
jude hill: transition framed
jude hill: crazy leaves continued