tijmenkroes: Starling in a willow tree.
tijmenkroes: Blue Tit in currant-bush
tijmenkroes: Tree-sparrow in our apple-tree.
tijmenkroes: Female Finch in the box hedge
tijmenkroes: Dunnock on a tree-stump
tijmenkroes: Female Finch on a tree-stump
tijmenkroes: Finch on the pavement in front of our garage
tijmenkroes: Blue Tit singing his love song
tijmenkroes: Mr Blackbird on the lookout
tijmenkroes: Finch on a branch of our apple tree
tijmenkroes: Blue-tit in pollard-willow
tijmenkroes: What shall I do....?
tijmenkroes: Turtle-dove on the top of......
tijmenkroes: Blue Tit at the drinking-fountain
tijmenkroes: Longtailed Tit on our feeder
tijmenkroes: Great Tit on bird-table
tijmenkroes: Great Tit
tijmenkroes: Nuthatch "hanging" upside down.
tijmenkroes: Mrs Blackbird on a look-out
tijmenkroes: A Great Tit on our gate in a rainy day
tijmenkroes: A Nuthatch on a tree-stump
tijmenkroes: Nuthatch in our apple-tree
tijmenkroes: Blue tit in a currant-bush in our garden
tijmenkroes: Chaffinch looking around
tijmenkroes: A other Robin on the bird-table
tijmenkroes: A ordinary Sparrow
tijmenkroes: Blackbird on the box
tijmenkroes: A Robin in the winter-sun
tijmenkroes: Chaffinch in our garden
tijmenkroes: Dancing Blue Tit