tijmenkroes: For what is this all????
tijmenkroes: Black tailed godwit in Wapenveld
tijmenkroes: Meadow pipit ready for feeding
tijmenkroes: Reed bunting with food.
tijmenkroes: Blue-headed grey wagtail in Wapenveld/Vorchten
tijmenkroes: Tree sparrows on a tree stumb
tijmenkroes: Redshank in Wapenveld
tijmenkroes: Black tailed-godwit in Vorchten
tijmenkroes: The female Mandarin duck
tijmenkroes: Mandarin in the meadows
tijmenkroes: Great Tit in the fresh green of spring
tijmenkroes: Blue headed grey wagtail in Wilp
tijmenkroes: White Wagtail on the post of a small bridge.
tijmenkroes: Black-tailed godwit with one of her chickens
tijmenkroes: Partridge in Wilp
tijmenkroes: Curlew in Oene
tijmenkroes: Yesterday we had a party and it was late.....................................
tijmenkroes: Dunnock in the old pollard-willow
tijmenkroes: Male sheldrake at a side-branch of the IJssel
tijmenkroes: Tree-sparrow on a old pollard-willow
tijmenkroes: Blue-headed grey wagtail in Vorchten
tijmenkroes: Dunnock on a tree-stumb
tijmenkroes: On the middle of the road
tijmenkroes: Meadow- pipit with fresh supply
tijmenkroes: Blue-headed grey wagtail on the roadside.
tijmenkroes: Sorry sir, my beak itches.
tijmenkroes: Great Tit on a tree-stumb.
tijmenkroes: Greenfinch on a branche of our apple-tree
tijmenkroes: Hello Sir, What do you want from me???
tijmenkroes: Black-tailed godwit in Vorchten