williamcho: Clifford Pier at Bayfront Promenade...
Denis Collette...!!!: Derniers jours avant le gel...!!!
Denis Collette...!!!: Automne... suite au marais...!!!
Jose Maria 12: caceres 104
Jose Maria 12: cojiendo sol
dance with somebody: She will be loved
Ngo T. Tam: Sunset
CJ Schmit: Visions of Fall
ojang jerry: 12091004
Mephphoto: IMGP6093r
cbrownlee8289: Back Scratcher
Frog 974: Le Souffleur
zmreact: Water
snowshoe hare*: sunflower and bee
cate♪: rain drops
Varvara_R: Somewhere in Beaujolais fields
Varvara_R: Summer gifts
Varvara_R: A Paradizzzzze...
* Yumi *: poppy
Батука: No limit in love
Annette LeDuff: Swan Profile