materialgirl40: #LPTG13WK12 Planted
hmdphoto: #LPTG13WK11 "where I live"
MeganEvansPhoto: Where I live...
boginia2: Stir crazy
MeganEvansPhoto: Clouds in my coffee...
Sharon Meyer: Love - #LPTG13WK7
LizjPics: #LPTG13WK6
danababy1076: Week 4
daniellepkennedy: DPK_Web_Connery Pond
LaurieNowling: Boutique Studio
LaurieNowling: Boutique Studio
Brandy Jaggers: Tiny toes.
tshochat: TShochat_Week 37: Football
jsinon: JSinon_Week 36 Lily Pad "Sunset"
Joanna Covington Photography: JCovington_Week36
Darren Russinger: DRussinger_Week 36
jsinon: JSinon_Week 35: "Looking Out" From The Decay.
becky jacobson: BJacobson_Week34
Bryce Dalhaus: BDalhaus_Week32
StaceyMarkelPhotography: SMarkel_Week32 - Motion
b.poulter: a diffrent kind of energy
zackojones: Texture
Helen Indy: LensProToGo - Week 28
Tonya Freed: TFreed -week 27
Joanna Covington Photography: JCovington_Week27
ValPPhoto: VPeterson_Week27
ktimson: Week 26 Yellow
Jon Game: Week 25 - Looking Down
sumoetx: HJackman_Week 24_"Monster" - Monster Bite!