MzOuiser: Peacock Doors
MzOuiser: Me, G, Lisa, Kristin
MzOuiser: Lisa & Me at the Peacock Door
MzOuiser: Buddy & Me
MzOuiser: The Hesses at the German festival
MzOuiser: German Fest in Lincoln Square
MzOuiser: Ode to Alfred Hitchcock
MzOuiser: Cubs at the plate
MzOuiser: Playing ball
MzOuiser: Those seats weren't empty for long
MzOuiser: Grounds Crew
MzOuiser: Hot Dogs at Wrigley Field
MzOuiser: New Shirt
MzOuiser: Ah-one.. Ah-two... Ah-three...
MzOuiser: Brunch the Morning After
MzOuiser: battabattabattaSWINGbatta
MzOuiser: Nice bum
MzOuiser: Playing Ball
MzOuiser: Dad and the Hot Dog
MzOuiser: Fake Sausages
MzOuiser: Everybody loves the racing sausages
MzOuiser: Brats 'n Beer
MzOuiser: Dad at the game
MzOuiser: Brewer Stadium
MzOuiser: My Men
MzOuiser: Dad, under the leaves
MzOuiser: Leafy Solitude
MzOuiser: The Leafy Solitude
MzOuiser: Dad at the Leafy Solitude
MzOuiser: The View, during Breakfast