Indranil Basu Photography: Grebe and chicks
Indranil Basu Photography: Eurasian Spoonbill
Indranil Basu Photography: Baya Weaver Male
Indranil Basu Photography: Painted Stork [wide angle]
Indranil Basu Photography: Painted Stork [Hunting]
Indranil Basu Photography: Black Winged Stilts relaxing
Indranil Basu Photography: Eurasian Spoonbill Portrait
Indranil Basu Photography: Formation of clouds at Kalkatidhar during sun set - Har Ki Doon
Indranil Basu Photography: Har Ki Doon Valley
Indranil Basu Photography: Ground Zero Har Ki Doon
Indranil Basu Photography: Surreal Sunset at Kalkatidhar, Har Ki Doon
Indranil Basu Photography: Mood for a heavy start
Indranil Basu Photography: Black Winged Stilt
Indranil Basu Photography: Bay Backed Shrike
Indranil Basu Photography: Ultramarine Flycatcher
Indranil Basu Photography: Autralian Pelican
Indranil Basu Photography: Short Toed Snake Eagle (BIF)
Indranil Basu Photography: Spotbilled duck with kids
Indranil Basu Photography: Yellow Footed Green Pigeon