JamesBorrell: Extracting a Weaver Bird
JamesBorrell: I'm always a moment too late
JamesBorrell: Malachite Kingfisher
JamesBorrell: Liam checking camera trap footage in the field
JamesBorrell: Fishing for spiders
JamesBorrell: Studying Tracks
JamesBorrell: Wagner's Gerbil
JamesBorrell: Wagner's Gerbil
JamesBorrell: Laying a camera trap
JamesBorrell: Water Scorpion
JamesBorrell: Tiny Lizard
JamesBorrell: Green Pool Camp
JamesBorrell: Marking The Dragons
JamesBorrell: Lawrence
JamesBorrell: My science tent
JamesBorrell: Waheed
JamesBorrell: Checking the Camera Trap Footage
JamesBorrell: Fan-footed Gecko
JamesBorrell: Logging the Data
JamesBorrell: The only chamelion species in Oman
JamesBorrell: A Beach Landing
JamesBorrell: Marking Dragons with Nail Varnish
JamesBorrell: A Pair of Dragons
JamesBorrell: Little Stint
JamesBorrell: Anglo-Omani collaberation
JamesBorrell: Telemetary
JamesBorrell: Laying a camera trap with Dr Mansoor
JamesBorrell: Tree Boa
JamesBorrell: Inquisitive turtle
JamesBorrell: Seedling Nursery