BrigitteE1: Berberlöwe***Barbary Lion***Panthera leo leo, extinct in the wild (explore 2014-04-06) Across Scotland by foot and packraft
Michael Matise: Sodium Acetate
Amity Beane: Solenodon Joe
kqedquest: Shark Receptors
wandering tattler: Northern Saw-whet owl
Cumberland University: Timber Rattlesnake Conservation Study
Cumberland University: Timber Rattlesnake Conservation Study
Panthera Cats: Two monks setting up and testing a camera trap in China's Qinghai province
joeyverge: philip and camera traps
asiapulppaper: Two Javan rhinos in Ujung Kulon National Park
p_aulwhite: Fire Salamander - Transylvania
John Tann: Botany Bay diamond weevil?
sarahjane_walsh: DSC_0848
☻☺: IMGP8202 Desert training Wilfred Thesiger's diary
gvimedia: Baby turtle ready for release
Instituto Apiacá: Cacajao calvus calvus taxidermy