samanthahaedrich: PATH: Photo A Go-Go 2015
samanthahaedrich: Enjoying the break in rain to...
samanthahaedrich: Yesterday. #mecagd #pacehouse
samanthahaedrich: Type experiments found books with #mecagd...
samanthahaedrich: Drying sun prints #mecagd
samanthahaedrich: Stephen Pace AAA #TripTik. Northern bound...
samanthahaedrich: Finally made it to the Pace...
samanthahaedrich: Last batch of #maineblueberries
samanthahaedrich: Party over Manhattan @katiekeimel @mattied17
samanthahaedrich: Morning New York @katiekeimel @mattied17
samanthahaedrich: 1055225281397102229_30346304420151026-3341-kpyms1
samanthahaedrich: Surf City #bluemoon
samanthahaedrich: Strawberry times x 2
samanthahaedrich: We wrapped up our pilot @aigamaine...
samanthahaedrich: Stopover at Long Trail on the...
samanthahaedrich: Tent Morning #adk
samanthahaedrich: Summit of Wright Mountain #adk
samanthahaedrich: Salvage kind of night #6
samanthahaedrich: Packed ICA @mecaart for Portfolio Day #aigamaine
samanthahaedrich: Tomorrow: @aigamaine @mecaart Third Annual #portfolioday
samanthahaedrich: Listen to this page. Works by...
samanthahaedrich: @elizabethatterbury at @colbymuseum, currents 7
samanthahaedrich: 936171744340711239_30346304420151026-3341-1fa2i6e
samanthahaedrich: Reviewing Tuesday's notes - excited #AIGA...
samanthahaedrich: 882088470098449813_30346304420151026-3341-1bokv5v
samanthahaedrich: GD final crits @mecaart #mecagd #mecaart
samanthahaedrich: Thanksgiving / Christmas show #tickets
samanthahaedrich: #freshlydugclams
samanthahaedrich: Morning sledding
samanthahaedrich: Drive to Wiscasset