Silentio Lucis: statue / head / Amol K Patil (Mumbai, 1987) / de Pont / Tilburg
LichtSpielHaus: Kraniche im Gleitflug
linimal: misty forest
Punkrocker*: Larmor
linimal: elements (explore)
adrian_t: Everyday is Halloween
Vest der ute: Autumn morning
Wolfgang_Kraus: 24011_02 Bridge over the river Vilaine, France, August 2024
Sergey Sadovnikov: Mоscоw sunset / мoскoвский закат
Punkrocker*: Auvers Sur Oise
Punkrocker*: Montmartre
Silentio Lucis: days of rain and some reflection on life in general
Silentio Lucis: One evening the Spirit appears to us mortals
Silentio Lucis: In the garden / the sunset goes / we fade away (free after D. Leigh/J.Foxx
John Verna: summer in the midwest
John Verna: summer in the midwest
Silentio Lucis: l'arbre, la fenêtre et la pluie
Silentio Lucis: under the surface
Silentio Lucis: the dying leaf, surrounded with care
toscano libero: Gatto di campagna
pkomo: 3595
pkomo: 5654
HALF CENTURIAN: AA2EE318-40BB-4FF3-AC6C-39A8822EC355_1_201_a
Francesco Luppolo: IMG_20240610_072937
Joanna Dm: in mid-sentence