Langley Clark: Adventure
carnuzo: A cierta edad y en un café
michelinaphotog: Week 12~Natrual Beauty
MarcipanCat: PTM {This is Our Life} 12/52
quenby13: Out of the Shadows {9/52}
cadeauphoto: This is our life week 12 - Emotive
crangelphotography: 12/52 Emotive
Bama-girl4: 9-52 Out of the Shadows
janelpeyton: Week 9/52: Out of the Shadows
Angela Lynn Photography: 8/52 Inspired/Calming Color Palette
meganjaegerphotography: Mission8watermark
MelanieGPhotography: 5/52 Finding the Light
juliarossphotography: 5/52 Finding the light: Sunlight & Sunglasses
hparchoc: Week 4: A Different Perspective
Lauieee: 4/52 A Different Perspective
The MiniTog: children
a bit of sas photography: Drinking water
Charlene B. Photography: Week 3/52 :: this makes me want to freeze time
BreWskiGirl: PTM 2/52 Things that make me smile.
camelos: Dead Horse Point sunrise
GingerDazza: Sleeping Rocco
elizapatton: Toy Chest Diving
jeremyfisher315: Lets do 52 - 2 of 52 - This makes me laugh
MistyHudson: {20/52}, {5/12} Three
MistyHudson: {6/12} {26/52} Dapper (Play)
mperezsimons: Bed Time for My Little Ponies - 1/52 Evening Rituals