John √: shadows
foreveralair: Alambrada
Atakan Sevgi: 009 - edekoy
carole félix: Lecture à l'horizontale
fujinliow: Shadow and traditional Chinese flip flops.
edouardsueur: point0006
tonino2013: DSCF3381.jpg
Manuel Atienzar: The wrong way / El camino equivocado
.FuturePresent.: mirror
আমি_fa_ye-q: The shephard
puri_: Himba!!!
Polježičanin: The man and a log Abstract Casares
Arkadious: Autumn
DanielaNobili: Port Grimaud
Alessandro F: Sguardo al calar del sole
katefoto-: Luci e ombre...
David Alexander Elder: Sunrise over the Taj Mahal
Peter Laqua: burning
Neil Melville-Kenney: Horses, Horses, Everywhere
Andy Fishbone: The Eyes of the Overworld
The Omega Man: "LEVIATHAN" by Anish Kapoor according to The Omega Man
hectoromero: Entre líneas
Maurizio Tattoni....: .. il sentiero.....