snowgray.beautywhite: You’re not “avoiding drama,” you’re avoiding the consequences of your actions. #bjd
galaxyshi: Aria is home! She's a littlefee sleeping shiwoo.
harucasting: Ready to go home!
harucasting: Milky tan
harucasting: Peach normal
Myrretah: Lucian and Jaide
Myrretah: Dietric
Myrretah: Dietric as Ferris backstage
Myrretah: Ferris
Myrretah: Ferris
Myrretah: Lazy turkeys!
Myrretah: Ezekiel progress
Myrretah: Ezekiel progress
Myrretah: Ezekiel progress
Myrretah: Ezekiel progress
Myrretah: Ezekiel progress
Myrretah: Ezekiel progresd
Myrretah: Ezekiel progresd
Myrretah: Ezekiel progress
Myrretah: Ezekiel progress
Myrretah: Gray
Myrretah: Gray face-up
Myrretah: Gray casual
Myrretah: Gray in soft light
Myrretah: Gray
Myrretah: Gray
Myrretah: Ferris, yours...
Myrretah: Jaide and Lu
Myrretah: Lucian
Myrretah: Lucian