rlurama (On and Off): HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
amdolu: [888|03|08] - A tree
buslik2402: Lovely
Jane Photo1: .......
buslik2402: Happy Holidays!!
Jane Photo1: Evening
buslik2402: Beautiful
buslik2402: Music...
Jusup Sukatendel: Katiet Mentawai
Rich Zoeller Photography: **CONCRETE JUNGLE**
Robert.Dawson: Misty Sunrise near Cantley Manor
Jane Photo1: Beautiful
Jane Photo1: Lovely
buslik2402: Night
Meino NL: Canadian geese
Jane Photo1: Beautiful
Jane Photo1: Lovely
Traudl2009*♥*(only catching up these days ): Ein neuer Tag, ein neues Spiel..//A new day, a new game ..//Explore#105//
JUAN PEDRO CABALLERO: Send me a angel - Enviame un ángel-thank you Joes Sistah© All rights reserved - © Todos los Derechos Reservados.
Jane Photo1: Lovely
Jane Photo1: Beautiful
Jane Photo1: Give me more!
Traudl2009*♥*(only catching up these days ): Moments seem to have no idea how important they are sometimes. //#EXPLORE#// Momente scheinen keine Ahnung zu haben, wie wichtig sie zuweilen sind./
krateboy: TRIFOLD