Scone Face: Short-eared owl. E. Yorks.
peterichman: Visitors to my local common will always get a warm welcome ... Strensall Common , York
jimhelm2a: Hairy Dragonfly. [Male] . N.C.Wetlands.
todd ar: Follow the Leader
Tim Melling: Arctic Skua
birdmanron: Bittern Yorkshire
birdmanron: Red Flankled Bluetail Avon England
Rezamink: Common Blue (Polyommatus icarus)
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC2158 Shanksy..
Tim Melling: Long-eared Owl
LesWiggy: Let us Prey
Tim Melling: Purple Emperor
nick.linda: The Seated Man - Castleton Rigg
Antony Ward: Dotterel