gh0stdot: i could wish you were conducted to a gentle bath
gh0stdot: i always fancied gh0sts could fly – If not exactly in the sky, yet at a fairish height
gh0stdot: long since, I lived beneath vast porticoes
gh0stdot: and be not fixed in doom perpetual (II)
gh0stdot: chasin' voices he receives in his head
gh0stdot: we suitors to their velvet decay
gh0stdot: you're a dead ringer for madame butterfly
gh0stdot: this is a place of shadows, of sleep and drowsy night
Powerhouse Museum Collection: Portrait of an articulated skeleton on a bentwood chair
Reciprocity: Light Art
slipgrove: In A Moment
E. L. Brecht: Plant Tub
gh0stdot: there will she hide her, to listen (III)
gh0stdot: the sea cannot drown me (I)
Pagoo!: Green-Wood Cemetery, New York
Davy Ellis: Sedimentary Angel
WIP Hairport: haircut and dye purple 2007
ed ed: air
Alabama Geographer: Flamboyant Flamingo
simpologist: Swan Lake
inspireer: Don't Know Why
Mingfong: 獨釣寒江雪 "Lonely fishing snow"
Thomas Schoenle: CRW_2570
kaycatt*: foxtail
ucumari photography: Watching for Tammy