Jakayd: Soyu playing on her new swing
Jakayd: Soyu playing on her new swing
Jakayd: Soyu playing on her new swing
Jakayd: Soyu playing on her new swing
Jakayd: Three times a charm and another DT girl joins the family. LOL
Jakayd: Three times a charm and another DT girl joins the family. LOL
Jakayd: Three times a charm and another DT girl joins the family. LOL
Jakayd: Three times a charm and another DT girl joins the family. LOL
Jakayd: Three times a charm and another DT girl joins the family. LOL
Jakayd: Three times a charm and another DT girl joins the family. LOL
Jakayd: New maxi dress for Soi
Jakayd: New maxi dress for Soi
Jakayd: Just another face shot of my Soi.
Jakayd: New eyes and wig for My Soi!
Jakayd: New clothes!!
Jakayd: New clothes!!
Jakayd: New clothes!!
Jakayd: New clothes!!
Jakayd: My Soi
Jakayd: My Estella,,
Jakayd: My Estella,,
Jakayd: New dress for Daisy
Jakayd: New dress for Daisy
Jakayd: Ingenue
Jakayd: Ingenue
Jakayd: Ingenue
Jakayd: Estella,,,
Jakayd: Daisy checking out DH's