Kiên: 03770014 copy
Bình.KidEviL: Balloons
Bình.KidEviL: Balloons .
Bình.KidEviL: Happy new year
ZI.NGUYEN: the little pretty thing.
PRO-K: Hồ Ngọc Hà (Singer)
Kiên: 25/365
A.Z.Q: Hamster Explore
Tee Bui: China
Tee Bui: Shanghai
✿ La Coccinelle ~ {Angie}: ~ We all dream a lot - some are lucky, some are not. But if you think it, want it, dream it, then it's real. You are what you feel. ♥
Bach Tran: Purple
Nam Quan: HOLGA
Victor Oliveira: Fascination
✿ La Coccinelle ~ {Angie}: I ♥ Starbuck's ~
✿ La Coccinelle ~ {Angie}: ~ I'll always look out for you, 'cause I saw sparks. ♥
✿ La Coccinelle ~ {Angie}: ~ It gives one a sudden start in going down a barren, stony street, to see upon a narrow strip of grass, just within the iron fence, the radiant dandelion, shining in the grass, like a spark dropped from the sun. ♥
✿ La Coccinelle ~ {Angie}: ~ There's so many different worlds, so many different suns; and we have just one world, but we live in different ones. ♥
✿ La Coccinelle ~ {Angie}: ~ They don't have very long memories, so every morning seems like a miracle. ♥