chartar_69: CCC Belle & Ping with Gynko305 chameleon dragon
chartar_69: Alice Cherry Blossom & Qee
chartar_69: Alice Cherry Blossom & Qee
chartar_69: Alice Cherry Blossom & Qee
sheilapolhemus: Zzzzzzzzzzzz
sheilapolhemus: The doctor put these ridiculous goggles on me to protect my eyes.
sheilapolhemus: I wish mom would quit taking pictures of me in these stoopid goggles.
sheilapolhemus: I went to the vet again today. Not my favorite place!
sheilapolhemus: Lavender, Lavi for short. Judi’s baby.
sheilapolhemus: JonJon loving on mom.
sheilapolhemus: Percy has claimed Grammy’s lap for now.
sheilapolhemus: JonJon sleeping on me.
sheilapolhemus: We chillin’.
sheilapolhemus: Misty sharing the recliner with me.
sheilapolhemus: Misty had a problem with her eye but she’s better now. We got eye drops at the vet.