May-margy: F_DSC9796-3-BW-Nikon D800E-Nikkor 28-300mm-May Lee 廖藹淳
noeetwoeoe: F1050013
Sexy Funk Pig 0988424819: DSC07707拷貝
JC_Luc: DSC09519_OP_LR
JC_Luc: DSC09708_OP_LR
Sexy Funk Pig 0988424819: 孫卉彤Candy
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: #TBT: Apollo 10 Launches – May 18, 1969
koen_jacobs: Mono soldier
analoguesouls: You're frozen
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: Rose-Colored Jupiter
john0908heart1: DSC01783
NoVice87: Lake Gloria
里卡豆: 這一路上|Tokyo
里卡豆: 廢墟漁人|北海岸
里卡豆: 雨之澀谷|Shibuya
Official U.S. Air Force: 150408-F-CP197-679.jpg
Marc McDermott: Kilmainham Gaol
Nigel Hodson: Storm Ophelia
jarnasen: Vaporizing
--Conrad-N--: Lost Forever
david grim: Beware the Undead of Your Town.
*Capture the Moment* thx for over 50 mil views: A current Statement and Question.......What about Ankara, Budapest, Warshaw and Washington?
里卡豆: 波斯花海|Olympus 8mm f/1.8
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: Juno’s Close Look at the Little Red Spot
Krasi St Matarov: Heaven on earth
里卡豆: Namba 難波|大阪 Osaka