cureilona of Lightpainted Doll: Lightpainted Doll. Handmade artist porcelain BJD
Mig - Le Miserable: Crocodile Dundee II
^soulfly: * anarchy *
David Helmore: The equipment
dave_dockerill: 1940 Leica lllc
TOUGEFC: Jesse Boy
albrecht maurice: Mon Leica M2 de 1959 + summicron 35/2: un monde à redécouvrir sans pile ni cellule - l'objet est déjà en lui-même une oeuvre d'art !!
potopoto53age: Voigtlander BESSA-R3A Gray + Ultra Wide HELIAR 12mm F5.6 Aspherical
wonglp: Binding
mosbies: sign
paga4flickr: Egglestone Hommage
h.m.lenstalk: L1127506
Cris Rose: 1957 Leica M2 + 35mm f3.5 Summaron
polinabrz: 4/Chair
polinabrz: 4/Pink
J Howe: Leica M3
moaan: My Northern Friend
ou baobao: img792
morris 1800: misty morn
Dan Chippendale: Range found
8mobili: zwei schwestern (28 + 21)
Ulli Hörtenhuber: Perspective
E.M.Thomas: Balloons
lukesatoru: M4 + M2
tango-: A special Leica M6
Sparkle44.: Little Girl Giant Lounging - Day 2 (Explored)
gretchenhayhurst: Cape Kiwanda photo workshop_pinhole