tombo68: hammers
stevewanstall: Back Alley
Lexiv V: bluebird
Adam-Ward: Land in Motion
foto.phrend: solar flare
tombo68: Graffiti Reflection
katherinecaprio: Cape Cod Rail
Robert Weijers: It's attracting me, that gets me carried away.
IanAWood: Book browsing on the Southbank
ajhaysom: Graffiti'd half-car Fitzroy 2013-09-22 (IMG_2905-7)
Agostino Calandrino: Ludovico Quaroni, Chiesa Madre. Ghibellina, 1970
sonjiag: Canal
Semjaja: The Jogger
B.Jansma: Old but not forgotten
snapscot: Devotion
oldogs: bumps in the road
atoatoes: Photo0480
annemmu: The City of Venice condemns homophobia and transphobia
Gary Kinsman: The Human Centipede
Rupert Vandervell: Downside Up
gagibbens: Leake St.
Maurits van den Toorn: Electriciteitsfabriek
dadecasa: Natalia in Primrose Hill-042.jpg
nastyapestrich: graffiti