Robyn Waayers: Firefly Alpha rocket launch "big balloon"
Robyn Waayers: Western Gull with rock crab
Robyn Waayers: American Robin on beach
PETEJLB: Spotted Flycatcher
zoomleeuwtje: The end of summer
PETEJLB: Northern Pintail
PETEJLB: Eurasian Hobby
PETEJLB: Northern Pintail
PETEJLB: Sardinian Warbler
PETEJLB: Peregrine Falcon
PETEJLB: Sedge Warbler
PETEJLB: Northern Lapwing
Elaine Delworth: The tree!
José Pestana: Carriage...
Lakes4life: Mute Swan Jun 2018
Massimo Greco *: Una cascata di colori
Hugh Stanton: The poacher
myfrozenlife: Ness Cove
myfrozenlife: Pennywell Farm
PETEJLB: Common Kestrel
marcusetienecarvalho: Chapim-de-faces-pretas (Remiz pendulinus)
stoplamek: Common chaffinch / Fringilla coelebs
Nick Livesey Mountain Images: Tree - Llanberis Pass
Sander Grefte: Into Darkness
puuuuuuuuce: Aliyev Center, Baku
christian quéméner: Batz-sur-Mer 2