TreinFoto België: Crossrail DE6310 Westrem | 60355 Ramskapelle - Genk-Zuid-R.O.-Haven
TreinFoto België: CFL-Cargo 3019 + 3016 Verlaine | 48765 Kinkempois - Bettembourg
BramTrains: 266 104 @ Bruinbeke L53
colson.p: 7631+10836_Móra_la_Nova
Pieter De Saegher: DE6310 Oordegem
Björn Nielsen: HSL 186 364, Notter
Wouter De Haeck: NMBS 1865 @ Soignies 🇧🇪
W. Daelmans: NS ICNG 3320 Kalmthout 02022025
rroadmick: 66727 6M38 Rylstone-Bredbury stone, Taylor's Bridge Rylstone 06.02.2025
rroadmick: 60002 6E69 Ribblehead VQ-Hunslet stone, Ingber Hill Gargrave 06.02.2025
colson.p: 321_050+316_003_Móra_la_Nova
Neel Bechtiger: SE - Hednoret
Jelani Ender: [Kaarst, An den Lauvenburg] TRI 111 054 met RB37 (89411)
Braňo Karniš: 2016 903-4
BramTrains: 186 339 @ Nerem L34
VALENT Luca: BB26001 - 3619 Paris-Austerlitz - Toulouse
Dunks railway pix: 60095 with 6H12, Sherburn in Elmet. 16th January 2025.
Nils Wieske: Elmenhorst
Fabio Miotto - RTC EU43 005 - Mezzocorona
GalliganPhoto: Dumping at the Dock
Paha Bálint: ÖBB 1144 092, Altenmarkt im Pongau
Basile Rapha: BB22342 & Intercités 3619 Paris-Austerlitz - Toulouse-Matabiau
Moffat Road: Over the Thompson
Basile Rapha: BB75456 & train 405441 Clermont-les-Gravanches - ITE SMDA
Moffat Road: Winston meet
TreinFoto België: RTB-Cargo 266 014 Bruinbeke | 63915 Racc.Burgo Ardennes - Gent-Zeehaven
Moffat Road: Lombard Canyon reflections
Moffat Road: It’s snowing at Summit
CrispyBassist: Late Light on the Lake Shore